A Full Timeline of Chinese Dynasties in Order

chinese dynasties timeline

The history of China is broken up into periods known as dynasties, which are imperial regimes named for the family the ruling emperor belonged to. From 2070 BC until 1912 CE, China was ruled by emperors. Art, artifacts, conflicts, and events throughout Chinese history are all described and grouped according to the dynasty in which …

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Sif: The Golden-Haired Goddess of the Norse

goddess sif

Though the Norse pantheon is vast, many of its members remain somewhat obscure. Norse myths were transferred orally in the pre-Christian era, and in those centuries before the written word, stories and their characters tended to be lost, changed, or supplanted by something that came later. So, while names like Odin or Loki are familiar …

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Quetzalcoatl: The Feathered Serpent Deity of Ancient Mesoamerica 


Are you still looking for a being that caused a solar eclipse? Well, look no further, because Quetzalcoatl is your guy. While at first a fully zoomorphic feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl would later be represented in his human form. The worship of Quetzalcoatl is wide-reaching, has a rich history, and exemplifies the complex world of Aztec …

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Brigid Goddess: Irish Deity of Wisdom and Healing

brigid goddess

Brigid is a goddess from Celtic mythology. She is a very complex character and is known as the goddess of poetry, healing, fertility, and smithing. In Irish mythology, she is often referred to as the triple goddess having three different aspects that represent different domains of life. Even today, Brigid is still celebrated by some …

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