HC Journal Below is a list of articles that are in our “Journal” The Constitution, the Supreme Court, and the New Deal Bienfait: The Saskatchewan Miners’ Struggle of ’31 Household Interests: Property, Marriage Strategies, and Family Dynamics in Ancient Athens France in Crisis: Welfare, Inequality and Globalization since 1980 Active/Passive, Acts/Passions: Greek and Roman Sexualities China’s Southwestern Silk Road in World History Fraternity and Fratricide in Late Imperial China After the Ice: A Global Human History, 20000–5000 BC Great Qing and Its Southern Neighbors, 1760-1820: Secular Trends and Recovery from Crisis [1] Towers for Telegrams: The Western Union Telegraph Company and the Emergence of Microwave Telecommunications Infrastructure FDR and WGY: The Origins of the Fireside Chats Reviewing the History Wars Popular Culture in the Classroom: Using Audio and Video Clips to Enhance Survey Classes Rights, Resistance, and Revolution in the Western Tradition: Early Protestant Foundations Sifters: Native American Women’s Lives Freemasonry, Colonialism, and Indigenous Elites Theodore Roosevelt and the Divided Character of American Nationalism Smoking and “Early Modern” Sociability: The Great Tobacco Debate in the Ottoman Middle East (Seventeenth to Eighteenth Centuries) Jack Lang and the Great Depression The Ottoman ‘Discovery’ of the Indian Ocean in the Sixteenth Century: The Age of Exploration from an Islamic Perspective The American President Of Arms and Men: Arming America and Military History Women in European History Racial Mixture and Affirmative Action: The Cases of Brazil and the United States Americans, Germans, and War Crimes: Converging Narratives from “the Good War” Book Review: Europe, Early Modern and Modern Flemming v. Nestor: Anticommunism, the Welfare State, and the Making of “New Property” Independent Indians and the U.S.-Mexican War PC Games and the Teaching of History The Importance of Memory and Place The New Guard and the Labour Movement, 1931-35 Whose Measure of Reality? The Limits of Empire: The United States and Southeast Asia since World War II An Antipodean Phenomenon: Comparing the Labo(u)r Party in New Zealand and Australia The Alberta Pottery Industry, 1912–1990; A Social and Economic History The Man Who Had Been King: The American Exile of Napoleon’s Brother Joseph What’s Wrong with Charlotte Temple? ‘Enough to Keep Them Alive’: Indian Welfare in Canada, 1873–1965 The Nature of Water: Reform and the Antebellum Crusade for Municipal Water in Boston The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and Conflict on American Campuses The Black Death: End of a Paradigm The Disruptive Comforts of Drag: (Trans)Gender Performances among Prisoners of War in Russia, 1914–1920 Feminism, Social Science, and the Meanings of Modernity: The Debate on the Origin of the Family in Europe and the United States, 1860–1914 Introduction: Asian Americans and Educational History Opportunities in MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY Out of the House of Bondage: The Transformation of the Plantation Household Teaching the Nazi Dictatorship: Focus on Youth Reuther the Red? Imagining Fort Clatsop The Amateur in the Operating Room: History and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning FROM GOOD CHEER TO “DRIVE-BY SMILING”: A SOCIAL HISTORY OF CHEERFULNESS Why Study World History? The Politics of Long Division: The Birth of the Second Party System in Ohio, 1818–1828 Shareholder and Director Liability for Unpaid Workers’ Wages in Canada: From Condition of Granting Limited Liability to Exceptional Remedy Writing About the Extreme Right in Australia News, Public, Nation Revisiting the Rights of Man: Georg Jellinek on Rights and the State Offa’s Dyke Between Nature and Culture He Found and Raised Eureka’s Trampled Flag: a Tribute to Len Fox Flashback. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Suicide, and the Lessons of War graphic language: HERBERT BAYER’S ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN ‘Conservation is now a Dead Word’: Marjory Stoneman Douglas and the Transformation of American Environmentalism Collisions, Prohibitions, and the Admiralty Court in Seventeenth-Century London Eisenhower at Columbia Teaching Social Studies with Technology: New Research on Collaborative Approaches Vicinage and the Antecedents of the Jury The Political Legacy of Robert W. Straub The Origin and Early History of the Writs of Entry ‘the age of wood’: FUEL AND FIGHTING IN FRENCH FORESTS, 1940–1944 “Our Mickey”: The Story of Private James O’Rourke, VC.MM* (CEF), 1879-1957 Joel Palmer and Isaac Ingalls Stevens Gallery The Road to Xanadu: Public and Private Pathways on the History Web Convergence or Divergence? Recent Historical Writings on the Rape of Nanjing The Making of a Slave Conspiracy, part 2 Popular Perceptions of Rape as a Capital Crime in Eighteenth-Century England: The Press and the Trial of Francis Charteris in the Old Bailey, February 1730 Troubled Experiment: Crime and Justice in Pennsylvania, 1682–1800 Maps and Politics “the most valuable birds in the world”: international conservation SCIENCE AND THE REVIVAL OF PERU’S GUANO INDUSTRY, 1909–1965 The Australian Railway Monument and Rail Journeys Museum Tangled Nets Treaty Rights and Tribal Identities at Celilo Falls Notaries, Truth, and Consequences Lincoln, Stowe, and the “Little Woman/Great War” Story: The Making, and Breaking, of a Great American Anecdote The Mind of a Moral Agent: Scottish Common Sense and the Problem of Responsibility in Nineteenth-Century American Law ‘the ego ideal of the GOOD CAMPER’ AND THE NATURE OF SUMMER CAMP It’s Never Too Late to Give Away a Horse the strange STILLNESS OF THE PAST: TOWARD AN ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY OF SOUND AND NOISE The Modernization of the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek: F. E. T. Krause, J. C. Smuts, and the Struggle for the Johannesburg Public Prosecutor’s Office, 1898–1899 The French Revolution on Film: American and French Perspectives Telling Stories, Building Altars Riding the Rails: Black Railroad Workers in Canada and the United States The Mind of a Moral Agent: Scottish Common Sense and the Problem of Responsibility in Nineteenth-Century American Law ANDREW JACKSON PALSGROVE: THE SOLDIER WHO GUARDED LINCOLN’S BODY History in Transit: Experience, Identity, Critical Theory Sifting the Evidence: Labour History and the Transcripts of Industrial Arbitration Proceedings Black Professionals and Race Consciousness: Origins of the Civil Rights Movement, 1890–1950 Educational Television, Fred Rogers, and the History of Education Modern Inequality and Early Modernity: A Comment for the AHR on Articles by R. Bin Wong and Kenneth Pomeranz The Instruction of Great Catastrophe: Truth Commissions, National History, and State Formation in Argentina, Chile, and Guatemala Passings That Pass in America: Crossing Over and Coming Back to Tell About It Ban the Bullet-Point! Content-Based PowerPoint for Historians The end of the line: an examination of the 1990 Victorian tram dispute “Staring the world in the face” Sacco and Vanzetti in the WPA Guide to Massachusetts A Europe of Regions: Reflections on the Historiography of Sub-National Places in Modern Times Racism, Immigrants, and Political Reform Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire Women and History: Outside the Academy The Black Book of Communism Oregon’s First State-Mandated Uniform School Readers Politics and Education Whither Family History? A Road Map from Latin America Neighbors, Courts, and Kings: Reflections on Michael Macnair’s Vicini Politics of Colonial Sensation: The Trial of Thomas Picton and the Cause of Louisa Calderon Political Economy and Ecology on the Eve of Industrialization: Europe, China, and the Global Conjuncture Transforming Lake Michigan into the ‘World’s Greatest Fishing Hole’: The Environmental Politics of Michigan’s Great Lakes Sport Fishing, 1965–1985 The Roberts Case, the Easton Family, & the Dynamics of the Abolitionist Movement in Massachusetts, 1776–1870 The Maoriland Worker and Blasphemy in New Zealand POTENTIAL FORESTS: degradation narratives, SCIENCE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY IN PROTECTORATE MOROCCO, 1912–1956 Maurice Spector, James P. Cannon, and the Origins of Canadian Trotskyism The Papers of Abraham Lincoln: Legal Documents and Cases Indian Orphanages The Patriot War of 1837–1838: Locofocoism With a Gun? The China Mystique: Pearl S. Buck, Anna May Wong, Mayling Soong, and the Transformation of American Orientalism TAXATION AND CITIZENSHIP Sanctuary and the Legal Topography of Pre-Reformation London Neoliberalism and Working-Class Resistance in British Columbia: The Hospital Employees’ Union Struggle, 2002–2004 Gutenberg-e: Electronic Entry to the Historical Professoriate Affinities and Empires:¾ Tales from the Pacific Worker Lawmaking, Sit-Down Strikes, and the Shaping of American Industrial Relations, 1935–1958 Tiptoeing through the Tombstones Navigation and Waterpower: Adaptation and Technology on Canadian Canals Gateways to the Southwest: The Story of Arizona State Parks The Lincoln White House Community The Refugee’s Revenge Capital and Community Reconsidered: The Politics and Meaning of Deindustrialization Robitnytsia, Ukrainian Communists, and the ‘Porcupinism’ Debate: Reassessing Ethnicity, Gender, and Class in Early Canadian Communism, 1922–1930 Internationalizing the United States Survey Course: American History for a Global Age Foundations of Democracy in the European Union: From the Genesis of Parliamentary Democracy to the European Parliament Tryout and Fallout Race, Jackie Robinson, and the Red Sox Preparing for Fusion: Reforming the Nineteenth-Century Court of Chancery, Part II History in the Fundamentalist Imagination John Charles Olmsted and Campus Design in Oregon Slave Law and Claims-Making in Cuba: The Tannenbaum Debate Revisited New Light on the Bixby Letter An Online Bibliography of Resources for the Study of Woman Suffrage Trials and Errors: Denmark Vesey and His Historians Teaching History at America’s #1 High School Cannibal Talk: The Man-Eating Myth and Human Sacrifice in the South Seas The Unending Frontier: An Environmental History of the Early Modern World Gloria’s Story: Adulterous Concubinage and the Law in Twentieth-Century Guatemala A Maritime Logic to Vietnamese History? Littoral Society in Hoi An’s Trading World c.1550-1830 Paul Robeson in Canada: A Border Story Modern Medea: A Family Story of Slavery and Child-Murder from the Old South The History of Argentina Would John Adams have called John Winthrop a “Founding Father?” It’s Never Too Late to Give Away a Horse Hints and Suggestions to Farmers: GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER AND RURAL CONSERVATION IN THE SOUTH Assumed but rarely documented: women’s entrepreneurial activities in late nineteenth century Australia Arthur Rae: a ‘Napoleon’ in Exile Tom Dunlap on Early Bird Guides Strategies of Narrative Synthesis in American History Language, Judgment, and the Holocaust From “Old Left” to “New Labour”? Eric Hobsbawm and the Rhetoric of “Realistic Marxism” A “Jewish State . . . to Be Known as the State of Israel”: Notes on Israeli Legal Historiography the greening of AMERICA, CATHOLIC STYLE, 1930–1950 Digital History in the History/Social Studies Classroom The Western Question: The Geopolitics of Latin American Independence The Ethics of Hunger and the Assembly of Society: The Techno-Politics of the School Meal in Modern Britain Otto Kahn: Art, Money, & Modern Time Claude Hopkins, Earnest Calkins, Bissell Carpet Sweepers and the Birth of Modern Advertising Visions of the Land: Science, Literature, and the American Environment from the Era of Exploration to the Age of Ecology Lawyers, Codification, and the Origins of Catalan Nationalism, 1881–1901 Whiteness Studies: The New History of Race in America The World We Have Gained: The Future of the French Revolution Windschuttle’s Fabrication of Aboriginal History : a View from the Other Side Travelers, Strangers, and Jim Crow: Law, Public Accommodations, and Civil Rights in America New Mary Lincoln Letter Discovered De Manneville v. De Manneville: Rethinking the Birth of Custody Law under Patriarchy Pierre Nora, National Memory, and Democracy: A Review Westbrook Pegler and the Anti-union Movement Politics and Procedure in the Trial of Charles I Imagining Woodrow Wilson in Asia: Dreams of East-West Harmony and the Revolt against Empire in 1919 John Muir and the Modern: Passion for Nature Biography and Social History: an Intimate Relationship Immigration and Religion in America: Comparative and Historical Perspectives Rochdale consumer co-operatives and Australian labour history African Conceptions of Gender and the Slave Traffic The Turnkey Factory: Technology Transfer from America to Spain in the Portland Cement Industry How Abe Lincoln Lost the Black Vote: Lincoln and Emancipation in the African American Mind looking straight at THEM!UNDERSTANDING THE BIG BUG MOVIES OF THE 1950S Top Down or Bottom Up? Nationalist Mobilization Reconsidered, with Special Reference to Guinea (French West Africa) The Eclipse of Mateship: The ‘Wide Comb Dispute’ 1979-85 Revolution in Education: China and Cuba in Global Context, 1957–76 Melbourne and Mars : the Australian All Electric Communist Utopia Law, Honor, and Impunity in Spanish America: The Debate over Dueling, 1870–1920 Presidential Address Cliffhanger Days: A Chinese Family in the Seventeenth Century “As Citizens of Portland We Must Protest” Beatrice Morrow Cannady and the African American Response to D.W. Griffith’s “Masterpiece” The Winchester Law School, 1824–1831 Studying America’s Struggle Against War: An Historical Perspective Resistance, Radicalism, and Repression on the Oxnard Plain: The Social Context of the Betabelero Strike of 1933 Native American Vulnerability and Resiliency to Great Cascadia Earthquakes Jamestown’s 400th Anniversary “Green Havoc”: Panama Disease, Environmental Change, and Labor Process in the Central American Banana Industry Modernity and Enchantment: A Historiographic Review From Majesty to Mystery: Change in the Meanings of Black Madonnas from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries The King of Controversy: History and Nation-Making in Late Colonial India ‘A Helping White Hand’ : Assimilation, Welfare and Victoria’s Transitional Aboriginal Housing Policy Adaptation and Innovation: Archaeological and Architectural Perspectives on the Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake The Chesapeake Slave Trade: Regional Patterns, African Origins, and Some Implications Brandeis and the Progressive Constitution: Erie, the Judicial Power, and the Politics of the Federal Courts in Twentieth-Century America The Civil City Colombia: Fragmented Land, Divided Society The Partitions of Memory: The Afterlife of the Division of India The 1970s in World History: Economic Crisis as Institutional Transition Revisiting Deficit Hysteria ‘Mark well the Gloom’: Shedding light on the Great Day Day of 1780 Imperial Politics and English Law: The Many Contexts of Somerset Globalization, Cosmopolitanism, and the Dönme in Ottoman Salonica and Turkish Istanbul Homicide: Explaining America’s Exceptionalism The Battalion That Never Was: Dr. Teofil Starzyński, the OSS, and the Polish American Special Service Unit Project, 1942 The Law and Mob Law in Attacks on Antislavery Newspapers, 1833–1860 Traffick According To Their Own Caprice: trade and biological exchange in the making of the Pacific World, 1766-1825 John Charles Olmsted and Campus Design in Oregon Did Democracy Cause the Recession That Led to the Constitution? Tiger Woods Is Not the End of History: or, Why Sex across the Color Line Won’t Save Us All World History in Context The “Vision of Salome”: Cosmopolitanism and Erotic Dancing in Central London, 1908–1918 Sources for Scottish Labour History in the Manuscripts Division of the National Library of Scotland Meanings of Citizenship in the U.S. Empire: Puerto Rico, Isabel Gonzalez, and the Supreme Court, 1898 to 1905 Tense and Tender Ties: The Politics of Comparison in North American History and (Post) Colonial Studies Interpreting the 1954 U.S. Intervention in Guatemala: Realist, Revisionist, and Postrevisionist Perspectives Rose Summerfield’s Gospel of Discontent : a Narrative of Radical Identity in Late Nineteenth Century Australia Metropolitan Philadelphia: Living with the Presence of the Past The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy “The Leviathan of the North” The Blue Eagle at Work: Reclaiming Democratic Rights in the American Workplace Struggles, Scabs and Schooners: a Labour History Tour with a Pint Beverly J Silver, Forces of Labor: Workers’ Movements and Globalization since 1870 Painting the Philippines with an American Brush Visions of Race and National Mission among the Oregon Volunteers in the Philippine Wars of 1898 and 1899 The History of Argentina The Real Lincoln Highway: The Forgotten Lincoln Circuit Markers Treasure City: Havana ‘It is Not the Beliefs but the Crime that Matters’: Post-War Civil Liberties Debates in Canada and Australia Music on the Cusp From Folk to Acid Rock in Portland Coffeehouses, 1967–1970 Using Structured Debate to Achieve Autonomous Student Discussion* Putting Religion on the Map Finishing Nature: Harmonizing Bodies and Environments in Late-Nineteenth-Century California Artificial Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies in New Zealand: ‘Magic Bullet,’ Rat Poison, or Communist Plot? Control over Marriage in England and Wales, 1753–1823: The Clandestine Marriages Act of 1753 in Context Like Wheat to the Miller: Community, Convivencia, and the Construction of Morisco Identity in Sixteenth-Century Aragon Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900–1940 “This Death Some Strong and Stout Hearted Man Doth Choose”: The Practice of Peine Forte et Dure in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century England The Company’s Chinese Pirates: How the Dutch East India Company Tried to Lead a Coalition of Pirates to War against China, 1621–1662* Orientalism, the Balkans, and Balkan Historiography The Defense of Inhumanity: Air Control and the British Idea of Arabia “Warn Students That I Entertain Heretical Opinions, Which They Are Not to Take as Law”: The Inception of Case Method Teaching in the Classrooms of the Early C. C. Langdell, 1870-1883 The War on the Squatters, 1920–1940: Hamilton’s Boathouse Community and the Re-Creation of Recreation on Burlington Bay The end of the line: an examination of the 1990 Victorian tram dispute Elephants in Our Bedroom The Oregon Trail The Moscow State Yiddish Theater: Jewish Culture on the Soviet Stage Was Stephen A. Douglas Antislavery? The Pirate and the Gallows: An Atlantic Theater of Terror and Resistance The King of Controversy: History and Nation-Making in Late Colonial India Terence MacSwiney: The Triumph and Tragedy of the Hunger Strike Reassessing The Historical UAW: Walter Reuther’s Affiliation with the Communist Party and Something of Its Meaning – a Document of Party Involvement, 1939 Incubator Baby Shows: A Medical and Social Frontier Gridded Lives: Why Kazakhstan and Montana Are Nearly the Same Place Mortal Remains: Death in Early America Mother Ada Wright and the International Campaign to Free the Scottsboro Boys, 1931–1934 Of Rogues and Geldings Making Mexico: Legal Nationality, Chinese Race, and the 1930 Population Census A Life on the Left: George Lansbury (1859—1940) : a Case Study in Recent Labour Biography Entangled Histories: Borderland Historiographies in New Clothes? Corporatizing Higher Education Counterfactual Thought Experiments: A Necessary Teaching Tool The Historian As a Social Critic: Christopher Lasch and the Uses of History Disability History: Why We Need Another “Other” Comrade Khrushchev and Farmer Garst: East-West Encounters Foster Agricultural Exchange Fighting for Caucasian Rights: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and the Transnational Struggle for Civil Rights in World War II Texas Always Blame the Americans: Anti-Americanism in Europe in the Twentieth Century Book Review: Science for Segregation: Race, Law, and the Case Against Brown v. Board of Education Race, Epistemology, and Historiography Citizens, Strangers, and In-Betweens: Essays on Immigration and Citizenship Diseased Goods: Global Exchanges in the Eastern Pacific Basin, 1770–1850 The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice Eyes of the Earth Lily White, Sarah Ladd, and the Oregon Camera Club Book Review: George Ball: Behind the Scenes in U.S. Foreign Policy Caroline O’Day: The Gentlewoman from New York George Atkinson, Harvey Scott, and the Portland High School Controversy of 1880 Getting a Grip: the Roles of Friendly Societies in Australia and Britain Reappraised “Audacity, audacity, still more audacity”: Tim Buck, the Party, and the People, 1932-1939 Beyond Tannenbaum Empires, Exceptions, and Anglo-Saxons: Race and Rule between the British and United States Empires, 1880–1910 The Fee Tail and the Common Recovery in Medieval England, 1176–1502 Race and Membership in American History: The Eugenics Movement Feminism as a Class Act: Working-Class Feminism and the Women’s Movement in Canada Blues in the Green: Ecocriticism Under Critique Divided by a Common Language: The Babel Proclamation and its Influence in Iowa History Indolence and Regeneration: Tropes and Tensions of Risorgimento Patriotism The Rise and Fall of Plains Indian Horse Cultures Connecting Alaska: The Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System Sodomy, Masculinity and Law in Medieval Literature: France and England, 1050–1230 Righteous Anger at the Wicked States: The Meaning of the Founders’ Constitution Thomas Nast and the Public School of the 1870s Family Quarrel: Joe Salsberg, the ‘Jewish’ Question, and Canadian Communism Bird Day for Kids: Progressive Conservation in Theory and Practice Brothers: Eight Leaders of the Labor Council of New South Wales Does Inquisition Belong to Religious History? A Chronicle of the Battleship Oregon A Systematic Approach to Improve Students’ Historical Thinking Big Hair: A Wig History of Consumption in Eighteenth-Century France Judges v. Jurors: Courtroom Tensions in Murder Trials and the Law of Criminal Responsibility in Nineteenth-Century England Mobilizing Women, Anticipating Abolition:The Struggle against Indian Removal in the 1830s Rule of Law: The Jurisprudence of Liberty in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Domesticity and Difference: Male Breadwinners, Working Women, and Colonial Citizenship in the 1945 Nigerian General Strike Codification and the Rule of Colonial Difference: Criminal Procedure in British India Soldier to Advocate C.E.S. Wood’s 1877 Diary of Alaska and the Nez Perce Conflict Gold and Tailings: The Standard Mill at Bodie, California The Challenging Concept of Change Over Time The Locomotives at Betchworth Lime Works in Southern England “Another White Race:” Mexican Americans and the Paradox of Whiteness in Jury Selection Theodore Roosevelt and the Divided Character of American Nationalism ‘Communal life, common interests and healthy conditions’: industrial welfarism at Electrolytic Zinc, Hobart 1918-27 South Atlantic Crossings: Fingerprints, Science, and the State in Turn-of-the-Century Argentina Saboteurs: The Nazi Raid on America Oaks Amusement Park World History and the History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality West Africans in Britain, 1900–1960: Nationalism, Pan-Africanism and Communism “The Dresden Story”: Racism, Human Rights, and the Jewish Labour Committee of Canada Contested Memories of Eureka : Museum Interpretations of the Eureka Stockade Paradigms and Paranoia: How Modern Is the French Revolution? The Black Death Transformed: Disease and Culture in Early Renaissance Europe Orientalism and Race: Aryanism in the British Empire Medicine Creek to Fox Island Cadastral Scams and Contested Domains “Boils Swell & Whorl Pools” Asia and Europe in the World Economy: Introduction Making Them Like Us The Lochner Court, Myth and Reality: Substantive Due Process from the 1890s to the 1930s The History Teacher Journal Building a Straight State: Sexuality and Social Citizenship under the 1944 G.I. Bill The Oregon Art of Alexander Phimister Proctor Denmark Vesey and His Co-Conspirators Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive The Origins of the Concept of Belligerent Occupation Canadiens, Acadiens, and Canada: Knowledge and Ethnicity in Labour History Making “Good Music” The Oregon Symphony and Music Director Jacques Singer, 1962–1971 Environmental History Journal Enduring Labor Values? a Report of the 43rd ALP National Conference, Sydney, 29–31 January 2004 Benjamin Butler’s Colonization Testimony Reevaluated The Consequences of Democratizing Knowledge: Reconsidering Richard Hofstadter and the History of Education Enlightenment, Religion, and the Enigma of Secularization: A Review Essay Comin’ and Goin’ Charles Evans Hughes and the Strange Death of Liberal America Contested Memories, Divided Diaspora: Armenian Americans, the Thousand-day Republic, and the Polarized Response to an Archbishop’s Murder ‘Seeding the water as the earth’: The epicenter and the peripheries of a western aquacultural revolution Society Must Be Defended: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975–76 Moonlight Offers Little Light Fools Are Everywhere: The Court Jester around the World Searching for Hendrick: Correction of a Historic Conflation Why Terra Nullius? Anthropology and Property Law in Early Australia AHR Conversation: On Transnational History New Guinea: Racial Identity and Inclusion in the Stockbridge and Brothertown Indian Communities of New York STORYTELLING IN ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: A RHETORICAL ANALYSIS The Demographic Cost of Sugar: Debates on Slave Societies and Natural Increase in the Americas “Father of the whole enterprise” Charles S. Storrow and the Making of Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1845–1860 “A Most Daring Outrage” Murders at Chinese Massacre Cove, 1887 Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America’s Continuing Debate over Science and Religion British Newspapers and the Oregon Treaty of 1846 The Emergence of Professional Law in the Long Twelfth Century ‘Knowing’ Industrial Pollution: Nuisance Law and the Power of Tradition in a Time of Rapid Economic Change, 1840–1864 A Lasting Impression: French Painters Revolutionize the Art World Paul Robeson in Canada: A Border Story Crossers of the Sea: Slaves, Freedmen, and Other Migrants in the Northwestern Indian Ocean, c. 1750–1914 The Accidental Republic: Crippled Working Men, Destitute Widows, and the Remaking of American Law Theodore B. Wilcox Captain of Industry and Magnate of the China Flour Trade, 1884–1918 Balkan Idols: Religion and Nationalism in Yugoslav State “A favored child of the state”: Federal Student Aid at Ohio Colleges and Universities, 1934–1943 Cosmopolitan Domesticity: Importing the American Dream, 1865–1920 A History of the Federal Reserve The Strange Career of the Illegal Alien: Immigration Restriction and Deportation Policy in the United States, 1921-1965 Legal Order as Motive and Mask: Franz Schlegelberger and the Nazi Administration of Justice Roots of “Whiteness” Bread and Arsenic: Citizenship from the Bottom Up in Georgian London “You see I am addicted to facts” Annie Haven Thwing and the Crooked and Narrow Streets of Boston Constructing G.I. Joe Louis: Cultural Solutions to the “Negro Problem” during World War II The Ottoman ‘Discovery’ of the Indian Ocean in the Sixteenth Century: The Age of Exploration from an Islamic Perspective Shades of Darkness: Race and Environmental History The Labour Movement in Taiwan Public Opinion on Long Island about the Vietnam War: A School Year Project Using Local Sources and Perspectives in the Classroom and in Student Research Papers Richard Lyman Bushman, the Story of Joseph Smith and Mormonism, and the New Mormon History “War Governor of the South”: North Carolina’s Zeb Vance in the Confederacy “My Death for the Motherland Is Happiness”: Women, Patriotism, and Soldiering in Russia’s Great War, 1914–1917 Whose Great War for Empire? The Sound the Stars Make Rushing through the Sky: The Writings of Jane Johnston Schoolcraft Conservation, Exploitation and Cultural CHANGE IN THE INDIAN FOREST SERVICE, 1875–1927 Review of Backlash Against Welfare Mothers: Past and Present The Force of Food Life on the Atkins Family Sugar Plantation in Cienfuegos, Cuba, 1884–1900 Clockwatchers and Stargazers: Time Discipline in Early Modern Berlin National Servicing Representatives: A Case Study of CUPE Local 1063 Creating Born Criminals Royal French Women in the Ottoman Sultans’ Harem: The Political Uses of Fabricated Accounts from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-first Century The Second Amendment: A Missing Transatlantic Context for the Historical Meaning of “the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms” Bus Griffiths’ Now You’re Logging: A Graphic Novel about British Columbia Coastal Logging in the 1930s After the Treaties: Administering Pacific Northwest Indian Reservations How Night Air Became Good Air, 1776-1930 Global Migration, 1846–1940 ShareTweetRedditPinEmail