Roman Baths: Ancient Hygiene, Healing, and Socialization 

roman baths

Roman baths were much more than mere bathing facilities; they were integral to ancient Roman society, serving as places of hygiene, socialization, and even healing. These magnificent structures were meticulously designed, with grand architectural features that showcased the prowess and opulence of the Roman Empire. What are Roman Baths? Roman baths were large, multi-story buildings …

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How Did Julius Caesar Die? Betrayed and Stabbed to Death

how did julius caesar die

Julius Caesar was assassinated by 23 knife stabs from his political opponents. The events surrounding Caesar’s demise mark a significant turning point in Roman history, leading to political unrest and ultimately shaping the course of the Roman Republic and Empire. What was the plot against Julius Caesar? And who became the subsequent Emperor? How Did …

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How the Samnites Inspired the Roman Empire


The Samnites were an ancient civilization, mostly located in southern Italy. While first at war with the Romans, they eventually became Rome’s allies as they were integrated as a part of the wider Roman identity. However, the Samnite people potentially influenced the Romans more than the other way around. After they defeated the Samnites, the …

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Roman Women: Mothers, Daughters, Priestesses, and Augustas

roman women

Roman women were the silent wives, the mothers, the daughters, and the priestesses in the background. Even when they were queens, their voices came after the men around them. So what were the Roman women like? What kind of lives did women live in the Roman Empire? What kind of laws and policies did ancient …

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Vestal Virgins: Guardians of Rome’s Heart(h)

vestal virgins

The Vestal Virgins played a vital role in safeguarding the flame that represented the hearth of Rome. They were entrusted with this responsibility in service of the goddess Vesta, carrying out her demands with meticulous care and devotion. Of course, the flame had a profound meaning. Roman leaders and citizens believed that as long as …

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Roman Slaves: Slavery in Ancient Rome

roman slaves

Roman slaves were an ever-present and essential part of Roman society and its long history. Just as their functions in that society were multifarious – ranging from cooks, gardeners, builders, and gladiators – so were their regions of origin. Unlike in other periods of time, the race or ethnicity of slaves in ancient Rome was …

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