The Cradle of Civilization: Mesopotamia and the First Civilizations

cradle of civilization

Mesopotamia, located in present-day Iraq, is renowned as the Cradle of Civilization. This ancient region witnessed the emergence of influential civilizations that laid the foundations for human progress. With fertile lands and advanced societies, Mesopotamia became the birthplace of complex civilizations. The term “Cradle of Civilization” refers to the region where early civilizations thrived, making …

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Clovis People: The Ancestors of All Native Americans

clovis people

The Clovis people were long believed to be the very first settlers on North American soil. Over time, however, this was debunked by other archeological discoveries. That doesn’t make this ancient culture any less interesting. Actually, they were one of the few that were able to spread so far so rapidly. Additionally, recent research shows …

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The Lives of Viking Women: Homesteading, Business, Marriage, Magic, and More!

viking women

‘Viking women’ is the term that is usually used to refer to the Norse women who lived during the Viking Age. Now, people know that they usually held more power and responsibility than most women of other civilizations of the time. They were farmers, businesswomen, seers, priestesses, and even in some cases warriors. They ran …

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Slavic Mythology: Gods, Legends, Characters, and Culture

Slavic mythology

Ancient Slavic mythology is a religion shrouded in mystery. After the Christian church rose to prominence in Slavic nations throughout the 7th and 12th centuries CE, much of the pagan faith was abandoned. The Slavic gods that once were the focal point of Slavic religion became forgotten, if not completely replaced by Christian saints. However, …

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How Did Cleopatra Die? Bitten by an Egyptian Cobra

how did cleopatra die

Cleopatra died soon after allowing herself to get bitten by an Egyptian cobra. But history is sometimes written by those that weren’t there to witness it. So, what do we know about how Cleopatra died? What are its accounts by some famous historians? The method of her death is as captivating as the historically influential …

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