Hestia: Greek Goddess of the Hearth and Home


Hestia is the uniquely sound-of-mind, passive, voice of reason in the popular pantheon of Greek mythology. She is the sole attendant to the celestial hearth of the gods, and is held with high esteem amongst both the undying gods and mankind, being known as “Chief of the Goddesses.” Although not a central figure of many …

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Hades: Greek God of the Underworld

hades god of the underworld

Despite being known as that one introverted god that kidnapped his niece to marry her and who has that giant three-headed guard dog, there is more to mysterious Hades than meets the eye. Indeed, although seldom mentioned, Hades was a crucial aspect of the preformation of funeral rites for the ancient Greeks and stoically ruled …

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Theseus and the Minotaur: Fearsome Fight or Sad Slaughter?

Theseus and the minotaur

The fight between Theseus and the Minotaur is one of the most famous stories in Greek mythology. Theseus uses a thread of string supplied by Princess Ariadne in order to find his way in and out of the Labyrinth. In the center of the giant maze, he heroically overcomes the great and mighty beast, freeing …

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The Nine Greek Muses: Goddesses of Inspiration


The Nine Greek Muses, in ancient Greek mythology, were the daughters of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Mnemosyne, the Titaness of memory. The Muses were believed to be the inspirers of various arts and sciences, providing divine guidance and creativity to artists, poets, musicians, and scholars. Each Muse was associated with a different …

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The Horae: Greek Goddesses of the Seasons

Horae goddesses

The Horae, often referred to as the Horai or Hours, are divine beings from Greek mythology who personify the seasons and the passage of time. They are the daughters of Zeus, the king of the gods, and the Titaness Themis, who represents divine law and order. The Horae are closely associated with the concept of …

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