12 African Gods and Goddesses: The Orisha Pantheon

African gods

A vast, diverse continent, religion, and mythology across Africa is rich and vibrant. The African gods and goddesses that make up these belief systems are worshipped in many ways by millions of people around the world. The Yoruba religion, which is today found throughout Southern Nigeria, forms the basis of many religions practiced by members …

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Theseus: A Legendary Greek Hero


Theseus is a legendary hero from ancient Greek mythology. He was the son of Aegeus, the king of Athens, and Aethra, the daughter of Pittheus of Troezen. The story of Theseus is well-known and involves several important events in Greek mythology. One of the most famous myths involving Theseus is his journey to Crete to …

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Pele: Hawaiian Goddess of Fire and Volcanoes

pele goddess

Pele is a significant goddess in Hawaiian mythology and is often referred to as the goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes. Her connection to volcanoes is central to her mythology and she is often depicted as a passionate and volatile deity with a fiery temper. Many stories revolve around her interactions with humans, often …

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Aztec Mythology: Important Stories and Characters

aztec mythology

Aztec mythology is the collection of beliefs, stories, and religious practices of the Aztec civilization, one of the world’s most famous ancient civilizations. It is drenched in the cycle of destruction and rebirth, ideas borrowed from their Mesoamerican predecessors and delicately woven into the fabrics of their own legends. Whilst the mighty Aztec empire may …

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Uranus: Sky God and Grandfather to the Gods

Uranus god

But like the other planets, Uranus was first a Greek god. And he was not just any god. He was the primordial god of heaven and the father or grandfather of many of the gods, goddesses, and Titans of Greek mythology. Like his rebellious Titan son, Kronos (or Cronus), Uranus – as we shall see …

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The Roman Tetrarchy: An Attempt to Stabilize Rome

Roman Tetrarchy

The Roman Tetrarchy refers to a system of governance established by the Roman Emperor Diocletian that marked a significant reorganization of the Roman Empire’s political structure and was intended to address the challenges of governing such a vast and diverse territory. Under the Tetrarchy, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts: the Western Roman …

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