Who Invented Hockey: A History of Hockey

who invented hockey

There are various theories about who invented hockey. In American parlance, the word ‘hockey’ will bring to mind ice, pucks, heavily padded players, and scuffles. The winter national sport of Canada, hockey actually has quite a long and complicated history. Hockey originated in a different continent altogether, centuries before it made its way to Canada. …

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Reaching for the Heavens: The History of Mountaineering

Reaching for the Heavens: The History of Mountaineering 2

Commonly associated with the daring ascents of formidable summits, mountaineering (sometimes known as alpinism) combines hiking, rock climbing, and snow and ice techniques.  Mountaineers must be properly equipped and skilled in dealing with variable terrain and weather conditions, such as avalanches, moraines, crevasses, and seracs, as well as altitude sickness.  They usually make use of …

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