Who Invented the Zipper? A Brief History of Zippers 

who invented the zipper

The humble zipper, a ubiquitous innovation in modern fastening, owes its inception to the unique minds of two individuals. Whitcomb L. Judson, an engineer, is credited with creating the ‘clasp locker,’ a device that laid the groundwork for zip fasteners. However, it was Gideon Sundback who, with improved design and functionality, refined Judson’s invention into …

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The Birth of a Trend: Who Invented Fake Eyelashes?

who invented fake eyelashes

Tracing the origins of who invented eyelashes unveils a captivating chapter in the fake eyelashes history. This narrative spans from ancient times, where eyelash enhancement first began, to the pivotal 20th-century innovations that reshaped beauty standards. The evolution of fake eyelashes mirrors a broader story of cultural shifts and technological advancements, reflecting changing ideals of …

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Who Invented the Hoodie? Unraveling the Origins of an Icon

who invented the hoodie

The story of who invented the hoodie unfolds a fascinating journey from practicality to fashion icon status. This garment, now a staple in wardrobes worldwide, emerged from a blend of innovation and necessity, evolving into a symbol of style and cultural significance. Who Invented the Hoodie? The invention of the modern hoodie is attributed to …

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Medieval Fashion: Tunics, Underclothes, Pointed Shoes, and More!

medieval fashion

Medieval fashion refers to the clothing worn by Europeans during the Middle Ages, which began in roughly 500 BCE and ended in 1500 CE.  What is Medieval Fashion?  Medieval fashion is the different clothing styles and trends that were worn by the people of Europe during the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages spans from the …

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The Ultimate History (and Future) of Shaving

The Ultimate History (and Future) of Shaving 1

Like other modifications to one’s outside appearance, the choice to shave and develop a beard has had an important role in male fashion and self-representation throughout history. Ancient shaving techniques, which relied on dull blades, required painful plucking and exfoliation to get any kind of clean-shaven look, meaning men generally preferred to let their beards …

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