The Genesis of Synthetic: Who Invented Plastic and Why Did Humans Invent Plastic?

Plastic, the invention that revolutionized the modern world, has a tale as malleable as its own nature. From Bakelite’s debut in 1907 to its omnipresence in our daily lives, this synthetic marvel transformed industries and consumer habits. Yet, beneath its convenience lies an environmental narrative poised for change.

Who Invented Plastic?

Leo Hendrik Baekeland is credited with inventing the first fully synthetic plastic, known as Bakelite, in 1907. His invention marked a significant turning point in material science, creating a substance that did not rely on any natural polymers, which could be molded and would retain its shape after cooling.

Before Baekeland’s breakthrough, others had made critical contributions to the development of materials resembling plastics. Alexander Parkes introduced Parkesine in 1862, a cellulose-based substance, and John Wesley Hyatt developed celluloid in 1869. While both of these substances could be molded, they were not completely synthetic in nature, as they relied on cellulose derived from plant matter.

However, Baekeland’s Bakelite was different. It was the result of his search for a synthetic substitute for shellac, a resin secreted by the female lac bug. By combining phenol and formaldehyde, Baekeland created a material that could be easily produced, molded into thousands of different shapes, and had the revolutionary property of not deforming after being heated. Bakelite quickly found a place in multiple industries, from automotive to electrical goods, and laid the foundation for the modern plastics industry, profoundly changing manufacturing and everyday life in the 20th century and beyond.

What is Plastic?

Plastics are a group of synthetic materials capable of being molded or shaped, usually by the application of heat and pressure. This versatility is the result of organic polymers’ long chains of molecules, which provide a wide range of properties and applications.

At their core, plastics are about transformation. Derived from the Greek word ‘plastikos’, meaning capable of being shaped or molded, these materials can be engineered to meet specific needs — from sturdy and heat-resistant to flexible and lightweight. Their adaptability opened doors to innovations across industries, reshaping modern society.

When Was Plastic Invented?

Plastic, as a fully synthetic material, was invented in 1907. This is when Belgian-American chemist Leo Hendrik Baekeland created Bakelite, the first plastic made entirely from synthetic components, not derived from any plant or animal matter.

The development that led to the invention of Bakelite began earlier, with Alexander Parkes creating Parkesine in 1862 and John Wesley Hyatt improving upon this with the invention of celluloid in 1869. Parkesine and celluloid were the first uses of polymers to create materials with plastic properties, but they were based on cellulose, a natural polymer found in plants.

Bakelite’s invention represented a new era of plastics — one where materials could be designed with specific properties and mass-produced for a wide range of uses. Baekeland’s innovation launched the modern plastics industry, transforming manufacturing and consumer products forever.

The First Synthetic Polymer

The timeline of plastic begins in 1869 when John Wesley Hyatt invented celluloid, the first synthetic polymer, as a substitute for ivory in billiard balls. This breakthrough not only saved elephants from endangerment but also introduced the world to the era of plastics.

Alexander Parkes and Parkesine

Before Hyatt’s celluloid, there was Parkesine, named after its inventor Alexander Parkes. Unveiled in 1862, Parkesine was made from cellulose treated with nitric acid and a solvent. The material could be heated, molded, and retained its shape when cooled, heralding the concept of thermoplastics.

Leo Baekeland and Bakelite

It was Leo Baekeland, however, who in 1907, created the first true synthetic plastic, known as Bakelite. This material was not only moldable with heat but also retained its shape after cooling without any filler material. Bakelite’s thermal and electrical insulation properties made it indispensable to a myriad of industries, laying the groundwork for the modern plastic era.

The First True Plastic

Bakelite’s significance as the first fully synthetic resin signifies a landmark event in the annals of invention. Unlike earlier plastics, which were derived from cellulose, Bakelite was made from phenol and formaldehyde, setting a precedent for many synthetic polymers to come.

Impact on the Manufacturing Industry

Bakelite significantly transformed the manufacturing industry by offering an alternative to natural materials like wood and metal, which were more costly and labor-intensive. As the first synthetic plastic, Bakelite was instrumental in the mass production of electrical insulators due to its heat resistance and non-conductivity, making it a staple in the rapidly electrifying society of the early 20th century.

Its role in consumer goods was equally groundbreaking, providing a durable material for products like phones and radios, and allowing for a range of designs due to its polishable surface and coloration. Bakelite’s moldability led to reduced production costs and broader accessibility of products once considered luxuries.

The introduction of Bakelite paved the way for the modern industrial era, promoting principles of standardization and mass production, and its influence can be seen in the myriad synthetic materials that followed, underscoring its enduring legacy in global manufacturing.

When Was Plastic First Used and By Whom?

The first use of synthetic plastics in a commercial product dates back to the late 19th century, when John Wesley Hyatt created celluloid. This invention was crucial for the photography industry, where celluloid began to replace glass plates as early as the 1880s. It was George Eastman, founder of Kodak, who saw the potential of celluloid to transform photography. He used it to create flexible roll film, which made photography more accessible to the public and laid the groundwork for the motion picture industry.

Celluloid had other commercial applications as well; it was used to produce a variety of items including combs, shirt collars, and dentures, serving as a less expensive and more versatile alternative to natural materials like ivory and tortoiseshell.

When Was Plastic First Widely Used?

The widespread use of plastics surged with Bakelite’s introduction, aligning with the early 20th-century consumer culture boom and the rise of modern retail. Department stores and advertising drove demand for diverse, durable goods, and plastics met this need.

During the Roaring Twenties’ industrial boom, manufacturers favored Bakelite for its versatility and aesthetic appeal, aligning with the Art Deco movement’s taste for bold designs in items ranging from jewelry to appliances.

Bakelite’s non-conductive, heat-resistant qualities made it indispensable in the burgeoning consumer electronics market for electrical insulation. Its presence in the automotive industry grew, as its design flexibility lent to the modern aesthetics of the era’s vehicles. These developments cemented plastics as a key material in mass production and consumer goods.

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Why Did Humans Invent Plastic?

Humans invented plastic to solve emerging problems of the industrial age, seeking materials that were cheap to produce, versatile in function, and consistent in quality. Plastics answered this call, providing a solution that could be molded to meet the demands of growing industries and consumer markets.

The growth of industrialization and consumer markets created a demand for mass-produced goods, which plastics could facilitate due to their ease of manufacturing and versatility. Plastics also served as an innovative solution to conserve wildlife and natural materials that were becoming endangered or depleted, such as ivory and wood.

Moreover, the unique properties of plastics, such as their insulation capabilities and chemical resistance, opened up new possibilities in technology and industry, fueling further invention and widespread adoption.

Was Plastic Used in WW2?

Plastic played a significant role in World War II. The war accelerated the development and use of plastics due to the material shortages of traditional resources like metal, rubber, and silk. Plastics were utilized in a variety of applications:

  • Aircraft: Plastic was used in the construction of aircraft, including lightweight parts and Plexiglas for canopies.
  • Military Vehicles: Various components of military vehicles utilized plastics to reduce weight and conserve metal.
  • Insulation: The insulating properties of plastic were critical for wiring in military equipment and vehicles.
  • Parachutes: Nylon, a type of plastic, replaced silk in parachutes, ropes, and vehicle tires.
  • Packaging: Plastic packaging was used for supplies and equipment due to its durability and lightweight.
  • Medical Equipment: Disposable plastic items became more common in medical applications, including blood bags and equipment casings.

The war effort thus significantly boosted the plastic industry, leading to advancements in the material’s development and its post-war proliferation in consumer goods.

The Post-War Plastic Boom

The end of World War II did not mark the end of innovation in plastics; rather, it catalyzed a period of unprecedented growth in the industry, commonly referred to as the post-war plastic boom. Here’s why plastics experienced such a surge in popularity and usage following the war:

Advancements in Technology

The technological strides made during the war translated into peacetime progress. Manufacturers who had honed their skills in producing plastic for military use now turned their attention to consumer products.

Economic Factors

The post-war era was a time of economic prosperity, especially in the United States. Increased consumer spending power led to a higher demand for new and innovative goods. Plastics made these goods affordable and accessible.


The rapid expansion of suburbia and the associated consumer culture in the 1950s spurred demand for a multitude of plastic products, from Tupperware to vinyl records, contributing to the material’s popularity.

Versatility and Consumer Appeal

Plastics could be made into nearly any shape and color, appealing to consumers and designers alike. They were modern and represented the forward-thinking, futuristic mentality of the time.

Disposable Culture

The convenience of throw-away plastic items became a selling point, especially for busy households and the emerging fast-food industry. Disposable plates, cutlery, and packaging became staples of American life.

Industrial Expansion

With a booming economy, industries expanded, and so did their use of plastics. From automotive to aerospace, furniture to fashion, plastics were increasingly used because of their adaptability and cost-effectiveness.

Marketing and Advertising

Post-war marketing campaigns glorified the ease and modernity that plastics brought into daily life. This effective advertising entrenched plastics as essential in the public consciousness.

Global Reach

The post-war period saw the globalization of trade, and with it, the spread of plastic products around the world. Developing countries embraced plastic as a symbol of progress and modern living.

While the post-war boom led to plastics becoming an integral part of everyday life, it also sowed the seeds for today’s environmental challenges. The same durability that made plastics so useful began to raise concerns as waste accumulated in landfills and oceans, leading to the current focus on recycling and the search for more sustainable materials.

Environmental Impact and Concerns

However, this boom came at a cost. The durability of plastics means they persist in the environment, leading to mounting concerns over pollution and waste management. As a material designed to last, plastic’s resilience in the natural environment poses a significant ecological challenge, prompting a reevaluation of its use and a push for sustainable practices.

The story of plastic is not just about the material itself but about humanity’s relentless pursuit of progress. As we move forward, the narrative of plastic continues to unfold, with current chapters being written on innovation, sustainability, and environmental responsibility, reshaping the material’s legacy for future generations.

From Revolution to Resolution: The Plastic Journey

Inventing Bakelite, plastics revolutionized convenience but now challenge our environment. This duality marks plastics’ tale, one of innovation shadowed by sustainability concerns. As we confront this legacy, the future of plastics lies in crafting a narrative that respects both our needs and the planet’s well-being—a critical chapter still being written.

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