Name | Origin of Name | Time of Creation |
I Adiutrix pia fidelis | Assistant, i.e. raised to supplement the legionary strength | Nero |
I Italica | Raised in Italy | Nero |
I Macriana | Raised by Clodius Macer | Nero |
I Flavia Minervia | After Minerva | Domitian |
I Parthica | Raised for campaigns in the East | Severus |
II Adiutrix pia fidelis | Assistant, i.e. raised to supplement the legionary strength | Vespasian |
II Augusta | Raised by Augustus | Augustan |
II Italica pia | Raised in Italy | Marcus Aurelius in AD 165 |
II Parthica | Raised for campaigns in the East | Severus |
II Traiana fortis | Strong, raised by Trajan | Trajan |
III Augusta pia fidelis | Formed by Augustus | Augustan |
III Cyrenaica | Province where it gained distinction | Pre-Augustan |
III Gallica | From the veterans of Caesar’s Gallic legions | Pre-Augustan |
III Italica concors | United, raised in Italy | Marcus Aurelius in AD 165 |
III Parthica | Raised for campaigns in the East | Severus |
IV Flavia firma | Steadfast, raised by Vespasian | Vespasian in AD 70 |
IV Macedonica | Province where it gained distinction | Augustan |
IV Scythia | Region where it gained distinction | Pre-Augustan |
V Alaudae | The Lark, raised by Caesar | Pre Augustan |
V Macedonica | Province where it gained distinction | Pre-Augustan |
VI Ferrata fidelis constans | ‘Iron-sides’, a nickname indicating their endurance | Pre-Augustan |
VI Victrix | Victorious, given after an outstanding victory | Pre-Augustan |
VII Macedonica Claudia pia fidelis | For its loyalty to Claudius during a mutiny in AD 42 | Pre-Augustan |
VII Gemina | One legion made out of two | Galba |
VIII Augusta | Reconstituted by Augustus | Pre-Augustan |
IX Hispana | Province where it gained distinction | Pre-Augustan |
X Fretensis | From the naval war between Octavian and Sextus Pompeius | Pre-Augustan |
X Gemina | One legion made out of two | Pre-Augustan |
XI Claudia pia fidelis | For its loyalty to Claudius during a mutiny in AD 42 | Pre-Augustan |
XII Fulminata | ‘Lighting-hurler’, probably gained under Caesar | Pre-Augustan |
XIII Gemina pia fidelis | One legion made out of two | Augustan |
XIV Gemina Martia Victrix | One legion made out of two | Augustan |
XV Apollinaris | After the god Apollo | Augustan |
XV Primigenia | After Fortuna Primigenia | Caligula or Claudius |
XVI Flavia firma | Raised by Vespasian | Vespasian in AD 70 |
XVI Gallica | Province where it gained distinction, possibly under Drusus | Augustan |
XX Valeria Victrix | Gained distinction under Valerius Messalinus | Augustan |
XXI Rapax | ‘Greedy’ – in the sense of sweeping everthing before it | Augustan |
XXII Deiotariana | Raised by Deiotarus | Augustan |
XXII Primigenia pia fidelis | After Fortuna Primigenia | Caligula or Claudius |
XXX Ulpia victrix | Raised by Trajan and called victorious presumably after distinguishing conduct in Dacia | Trajan |
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