Volume Information | |
1581 | |
Front Matter | |
1581 | |
Early Mesopotamian Constitutional Development | |
By Nels Bailkey | 1211 |
The “New Left” and American History: Some Recent Trends in United States Historiography | |
By Irwin Unger | 1237 |
The Jacobean Diplomatic Service | |
By Maurice Lee, Jr. | 1264 |
The Transformation of the Garden: Ideal and Society in Austrian Literature | |
By Carl E. Schorske | 1283 |
Presidential Leadership in Foreign Affairs: William McKinley and the Turpie-Foraker Amendment | |
By Paul S. Holbo | 1321 |
Reviews of Books | |
General | |
Elizabeth Ingerman Wood. Report on Project History Retrieval: Tests and Demonstrations of an Optic-Coincidence System of Information Retrieval for Historical Materials | |
Reviewed by Joel H. Silbey | 1336 |
V. V. Kurasov. Vsemirnaia Istoriia | |
Reviewed by John M. Thompson | 1337 |
Barrington Moore, Jr.. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World | |
Reviewed by C. E. Black | 1338 |
F. H. Hinsley. Sovereignty | |
Reviewed by William Huse Dunham, Jr. | 1338 |
Milton Katz. The Things that are Caesar’s | |
Reviewed by Roy F. Nichols | 1339 |
Louis B. Wright. Shakespeare Celebrated: Anniversary Lectures Delivered at the Folger Library | |
Reviewed by Walter L. Woodfill | 1340 |
Bertrand Gille. Engineers of the Renaissance | |
Reviewed by Allen G. Debus | 1341 |
Merle L. Perkins. Voltaire’s Concept of International Order | |
Reviewed by Geoffrey Bruun | 1342 |
Gordon A. Craig. War, Politics, and Diplomacy: Selected Essays | |
Reviewed by Gunther E. Rothenberg | 1343 |
I. F. Clarke. Voices Prophesying War, 1763-1984 | |
Reviewed by Robin Higham | 1344 |
M. S. Anderson. The Eastern Question, 1774-1923: A Study in International Relations | |
Reviewed by L. S. Stavrianos | 1345 |
Harold I. Sharlin. The Convergent Century: The Unification of Science in the Nineteenth Century | |
Reviewed by Thomas P. Hughes | 1346 |
A. J. Pomerans. Science in the Twentieth Century | |
Reviewed by Harold I. Sharlin | 1347 |
Henry Rosovsky. Industrialization in two Systems: Essays in Honor of Alexander Gerschenkron by a Group of his Students | |
Reviewed by Jerome B. Cohen | 1347 |
Sidney E. Rolfe. Gold and World Power: The Dollar, the Pound, and the Plans for Reform | |
Reviewed by Jeannette P. Nichols | 1349 |
Maung Htin Aung. The Stricken Peacock: Anglo-Burmese Relations, 1752-1948 | |
Reviewed by Richard Butwell | 1350 |
Ravinder Kumar. India and the Persian Gulf Region, 1858-1907: A Study in British Imperial Policy | |
Reviewed by J. C. Hurewitz | 1351 |
Clarence Clendenen. Americans In Africa, 1865-1900 | |
Reviewed by Alan R. Booth | 1352 |
L. Koeltz. La Guerre De 1914-1918: Les Operations Militaires | |
Reviewed by Martin Blumenson | 1352 |
Johanna Menzel Meskill. Hitler & Japan: The Hollow Alliance | |
Reviewed by Paul W. Schroeder | 1353 |
Ancient | |
Arnaldo Momigliano. Terzo Contributo Alla Storia Degli Studi Classici E Dal Mondo Antico | |
Reviewed by Mason Hammond | 1354 |
John Van Seters. The Hyksos: A New Investigation | |
Reviewed by Alan R. Schulman | 1355 |
Marion Rawson. The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia | |
Reviewed by J. Walter Graham | 1356 |
Edouard Will. Histoire Politique Du Monde Hellenistique (323-30 AV. J. C.) | |
Reviewed by Truesdell S. Brown | 1357 |
Stringfellow Barr. The Mask of Jove: A History of Graeco-Roman Civilization from the Death of Alexander to the Death of Constantine | |
Reviewed by Laurence Lee Howe | 1358 |
John Harvey Kent. Corinth: Results of Excavations | |
Reviewed by Sterling Dow | 1359 |
Christian Meier. Res Publica Amissa: Eine Studie Zu Verfassung Und Geschichte Der Spaten Romischen Republik | |
Reviewed by Henry C. Boren | 1360 |
P. R. Coleman-Norton. Roman State & Christian Church: A Collection of Legal Documents to A.D. 535 | |
Reviewed by Floyd Seyward Lear | 1361 |
Lynn White, Jr.. The Transformation of the Roman World: Gibbon’s Problem after two Centuries | |
Reviewed by Chester G. Starr | 1362 |
Medieval | |
Cyril Toumanoff. Studies in Christian Caucasian History | |
Reviewed by Speros Vryonis, Jr. | 1363 |
Nicholas D. Chubaty. Istoriya Khrystyanstva Na Rusy-Ukraini | |
Reviewed by O. Halecki | 1364 |
Romilly Jenkins. Byzantium: The Imperial Centuries, A. D. 610-1071 | |
Reviewed by Peter Charanis | 1365 |
Karl Bosl. Die Gesellschaft In Der Geschichte Des Mittelalters | |
Reviewed by Gray C. Boyce | 1366 |
C. R. Hart. The Early Charters of Eastern England | |
Reviewed by Elisabeth G. Kimball | 1367 |
Timothy Baker. The Normans | |
Reviewed by C. Warren Hollister | 1367 |
Tage E. Christiansen. Middelalder Studier: Tilegnede Aksel E. Christensen Pa Tresarsdagen, II | |
Reviewed by Archibald R. Lewis | 1368 |
L. F. J. Meulenberg. Der Primat Der Romischen Kirche Im Denken Und Handeln Gregors VII | |
Reviewed by Richard E. Sullivan | 1369 |
Derek W. Lomax. La Orden De Santiago (1170-1275) | |
Reviewed by C. J. Bishko | 1370 |
Subhi Y. Labib. Handelsgeschichte Agyptens Im Spatmittelalter (1171-1517) | |
Reviewed by Walter J. Fischel | 1371 |
John A. Watt. The Theory of Papal Monarchy in the Thirteenth Century: The Contribution of the Canonists | |
Reviewed by Brian Tierney | 1371 |
Elspeth M. Veale. The English Fur Trade in the Later Middle Ages | |
Reviewed by Sylvia L. Thrupp | 1372 |
M. M. Postan. The Cambridge Economic History of Europe | |
Reviewed by Joseph R. Strayer | 1373 |
R. M. Haines. A Calendar of the Register of Wolstan De Bransford, Bishop of Worcester 1339-49 | |
Reviewed by Dorothy Bruce Weske | 1374 |
Morris Bishop. Letters from Petrarch | |
Reviewed by Jerrold E. Seigel | 1375 |
Jan Dabrowski. Rozbior Krytyczny Annalium Poloniae Jana Dlugosza Z Lat 1445-1480 | |
Reviewed by Janina W. Hoskins | 1376 |
Francis R. Maddison. Mechanical Universe: The Astrarium of Giovanni De’ Dondi | |
Reviewed by Richard C. Dales | 1377 |
Modern Europe | |
John Lukacs. Decline and Rise of Europe: A Study in Recent History, with Particular Emphasis on the Development of a European Consciousness | |
Reviewed by E. C. Helmreich | 1377 |
John Lukacs. Charbon Et Sciences Humaines: Actes Du Colloque Organise Par La Faculte Des Lettres De L’Universite De Lille En Mai 1963 | |
Reviewed by Herman Freudenberger | 1378 |
Ernst Manfred Wermter. Acta Pacis Westphalicae. Series 2, Part C, Die Schwedischen Korrespondenzen | |
Reviewed by Ernst Ekman | 1379 |
Anna Owsinska. Powstanie Palatynacko-Badenskie 1849 Roku Oraz Udzial W Nim Polakow | |
Reviewed by Witold S. Sworakowski | 1380 |
Adam Wandruszka. Schicksalsjahr 1866 | |
Reviewed by Oron J. Hale | 1381 |
Hans-Erich Volkmann. Die Russische Emigration In Deutschland, 1919-1929 | |
Reviewed by D. E. Emerson | 1382 |
Alfred Erich Senn. The Great Powers, Lithuania, and the Vilna Question, 1920-1928 | |
Reviewed by Stanley W. Page | 1383 |
Laurence Thompson. 1940 | |
Reviewed by James L. Godfrey | 1383 |
Sven Allard. Diplomat In Wien: Erlebnisse, Begegnungen Und Gedanken Um Den Osterreichischen Staatsvertrag | |
Reviewed by Joseph Frederick Zacek | 1384 |
John E. Paul. Catherine of Aragon and her Friends | |
Reviewed by Barrett L. Beer | 1385 |
John E. Paul. Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office | |
Reviewed by Paul L. Hughes | 1386 |
Beatrice White. Cast of Ravens: The Strange Case of Sir Thomas Overbury | |
Reviewed by George R. Abernathy, Jr. | 1386 |
P. G. Rogers. The Fifth Monarchy Men | |
Reviewed by Leo F. Solt | 1387 |
Bernard Pool. Navy Board Contracts, 1660-1832: Contract Administration under the Navy Board | |
Reviewed by P. H. Hardacre | 1388 |
Philip E. Jones. The Fire Court: Calendar to the Judgements and Decrees of the Court of Judicature Appointed to Determine Differences between Landlords and Tenants as to Rebuilding After the Great Fire | |
Reviewed by Jacob M. Price | 1389 |
R. E. Scouller. The Armies of Queen Anne | |
Reviewed by Daniel A. Baugh | 1389 |
Robert Halsband. The Complete Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu | |
Reviewed by Thomas W. Copeland | 1390 |
Joseph Ward Swain. Edward Gibbon the Historian | |
Reviewed by Charles F. Mullett | 1391 |
Giovanni Costigan. Makers of Modern England: The Force of Individual Genius in History | |
Reviewed by David Owen | 1392 |
Glanmor Williams. Merthyr Politics: The Making of a Working-Class Tradition | |
Reviewed by Carl F. Brand | 1392 |
E. G. Barnes. The Rise of the Midland Railway, 1844-1874 | |
Reviewed by Peter D’A. Jones | 1393 |
Arthur W. Silver. Manchester Men and Indian Cotton, 1847-1872 | |
Reviewed by Albert H. Imlah | 1394 |
Holger Hjelholt. British Mediation in the Danish-German Conflict, 1848-1850 | |
Reviewed by Paul H. Scherer | 1395 |
Randolph S. Churchill. Winston S. Churchill | |
Reviewed by Samuel J. Hurwitz | 1396 |
Richard Symonds. The British and their Successors: A Study in the Development of the Government Services in the New States | |
Reviewed by Ainslie T. Embree | 1397 |
William R. Rock. Appeasement on Trial: British Foreign Policy and Its Critics, 1938-1939 | |
Reviewed by W. N. Medlicott | 1398 |
Donald N. Lammers. Explaining Munich: The Search for Motive in British Policy | |
Reviewed by Margaret George | 1399 |
G. C. Bolton. The Passing of the Irish Act of Union: A Study in Parliamentary Politics | |
Reviewed by Lawrence J. McCaffrey | 1400 |
Emile Coornaert. Les Compagnonnages En France: Du Moyen Age A Nos Jours | |
Reviewed by Peter N. Stearns | 1400 |
Emile Coornaert. Bordeaux 1453 A 1715 | |
Reviewed by William F. Church | 1401 |
Frederick B. Artz. The Development of Technical Education in France, 1500-1850 | |
Reviewed by Glen R. Driscoll | 1402 |
Frederick B. Artz. Cahiers De Doleances Des Paroisses Du Bailliage De Troyes Pour Les Etats Generaux De 1614 | |
Reviewed by Leon Bernard | 1403 |
Edward P. Shaw. Problems and Policies of Malesherbes as Directeur De La Librairie In France (1750-1763) | |
Reviewed by Leon Bernard | 1404 |
Charles A. Le Guin. Roland De La Platiere: A Public Servant in the Eighteenth Century | |
Reviewed by Elizabeth L. Eisenstein | 1405 |
Bertrand Gille. Histoire De La Maison Rothschild. Volumes I, Des Origines A 1848 | |
Reviewed by David S. Landes | 1406 |
Henri Michel. Vichy: Annee 40 | |
Reviewed by Gordon Wright | 1407 |
B. Netanyahu. The Marranos of Spain, from the late XIVth to the Early XVIth Century: According to Contemporary Hebrew Sources | |
Reviewed by Ellis Rivkin | 1408 |
Theo P. M. de Jong. De Krimpende Horizon Van De Hollandse Kooplieden: Hollands Welvaren In Het Caribisch Zeegebied (1780-1830) | |
Reviewed by Amry Vandenbosch | 1409 |
J. Woltring. Bescheiden Betreffende De Buitenlandse Politiek Van Nederland, 1848-1919 | |
Reviewed by Dirk W. Jellema | 1409 |
Aimo Wuorinen. Turku Kauppakaupunkina Ruotsin Vallan Loppukautena | |
Reviewed by John I. Kolehmainen | 1410 |
Ib Gejl. J. C. H. Fischers Politiske Dagb$\o$ger, 1852-56, 1872-75 | |
Reviewed by Heinz E. Ellersieck | 1411 |
Henry Bruun. Dansk Historisk Bibliografi, 1913-1942 | |
Reviewed by Franklin D. Scott | 1411 |
Freidrich Hermann Schubert. Die Deutschen Reichstage In Der Staatslehre Der Fruhen Neuzeit | |
Reviewed by Herman N. Weill | 1412 |
Richard Dietrich. Kleine Geschichte Preussens | |
Reviewed by H. M. Adams | 1413 |
Fritz Wolff. Corpus Evangelicorum Und Corpus Catholicorum Auf Dem Westfalischen Friedenskongress: Die Einfugung Der Konfessionellen Standeverbindungen In die Reichsverfassung | |
Reviewed by Claus-Peter Clasen | 1414 |
Gerald Strauss. Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century | |
Reviewed by Harold J. Grimm | 1414 |
Hans-Joachim Schoepes. Preussen: Geschichte Eines Staates | |
Reviewed by Theodore S. Hamerow | 1415 |
Kyosti Julku. Die Revolutionare Bewegung Im Rheinland Am Ende Des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts | |
Reviewed by Jeffry Kaplow | 1416 |
Klaus Epstein. The Genesis of German Conservatism | |
Reviewed by Klemens Von Klemperer | 1417 |
Peter Wende. Die Geistlichen Staaten Und Ihre Auflosung Im Urteil Der Zeitgenossischen Publizistik | |
Reviewed by Helen P. Liebel | 1418 |
Walter Grab. Demokratische Stromungen In Hamburg Und Schleswig-Holstein Zur Zeit Der Ersten Franzosischen Republik | |
Reviewed by Arnold H. Price | 1419 |
Karl Kupisch. Die Deutschen Landeskirchen Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert | |
Reviewed by Victor Peters | 1419 |
Walter Bussmann. Staatssekretar Graf Herbert Von Bismarck: Aus Seiner Politischen Privatkorrespondenz | |
Reviewed by Norman Rich | 1420 |
Reinhard Patemann. Der Kampf Um Die Preussische Wahlreform Im Ersten Weltkrieg | |
Reviewed by Francis L. Loewenheim | 1421 |
Rudolf Morsey. Die Deutsche Zentrumspartei, 1917-1923 | |
Reviewed by Hans W. Gatzke | 1422 |
Dieter Schafer. Der Deutsche Industrie- Und Handelstag Als Politisches Forum Der Weimarer Republik: Eine Historische Studie Zum Verhaltnis Von Politik Und Wirtschaft | |
Reviewed by Amos E. Simpson | 1423 |
F. L. Carsten. The Reichswehr and Politics, 1918 to 1933 | |
Reviewed by Gerald D. Feldman | 1424 |
Werner Maser. Hitlers Mein Kampf: Entstehung, Aufbau, Stil, Anderungen, Quellen, Quellenwert, Kommentierte Auszuge | |
Reviewed by George O. Kent | 1425 |
Werner E. Mosse. Entscheidungsjahr 1932: Zur Judenfrage In Der Endphase Der Weimarer Republik | |
Reviewed by Raul Hilberg | 1425 |
Werner E. Mosse. Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945 | |
Reviewed by Donald S. Detwiler | 1426 |
George O. Kent. A Catalog of Files and Microfilms of the German Foreign Ministry Archives, 1920-1945 | |
Reviewed by Raymond J. Sontag | 1427 |
Dieter Ehlers. Technik Und Moral Einer Verschworung: 20. Juli 1944 | |
Reviewed by Carl G. Anthon | 1428 |
Edward L. Homze. Foreign Labor in Nazi Germany | |
Reviewed by Helen P. Liebel | 1429 |
Michel C. Vercel. Les Rescapes De Nuremberg: Les “Seigneurs De La Guerre” Apres Le Verdict | |
Reviewed by James S. Beddie | 1430 |
Gy. Merei. Die Idee Der Europaischen Integration in Der Westdeutschen Burgerlichen Geschichtsschreibung | |
Reviewed by Hans A. Schmitt | 1431 |
Gerhard Loewenberg. Parliament in the German Political System | |
Reviewed by Dietrich Orlow | 1432 |
Peter Hanak. Die Nationale Frage in Der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie 1900-1918 | |
Reviewed by Robert A. Kann | 1433 |
Leo Valiani. La Dissoluzione Dell’Austria Ungheria | |
Reviewed by William A. Jenks | 1434 |
Miklos Komjathy. Protokolle Des Gemeinsamen Ministerrates Der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie (1914-1918) | |
Reviewed by Istvan Deak | 1435 |
Pier Giorgio Ricci. Carteggi Di Francesco Guicciardini. Volume XI (I Dicembre 1526-15 Gennaio 1527) | |
Reviewed by Randolph Starn | 1436 |
Giuseppe Santoro. L’Economia Della Provincia Di Salerno Nell’Opera Della Camera Di Commercio, 1862-1962 | |
Reviewed by Roland Sarti | 1437 |
Antonio Allocati. Tipiche Operazioni Del Banco Della Pieta in Alcuni Atti Notarili Dei Secoli XVI-XIX | |
Reviewed by Raymond De Roover | 1438 |
Emilio Costa. Atti Del XLII Congresso Di Storia Del Risorgimento Italiano (Ravenna, 2-5 Ottobre 1965) | |
Reviewed by Duane Koenig | 1439 |
Howard R. Marraro. L’Unificazione Italiana Vista Dai Diplomatici Statunitensi | |
Reviewed by Robert C. Fried | 1440 |
Carlo Pischedda. Problemi Dell’Unificazione Italiana | |
Reviewed by Donald A. Limoli | 1440 |
John M. Cammett. Antonio Gramsci and the Origins of Italian Communism | |
Reviewed by Charles F. Delzell | 1441 |
Robert Katz. Death in Rome | |
Reviewed by Charles F. Delzell | 1443 |
Frederick G. Heymann. Poland & Czechoslovakia | |
Reviewed by Otakar Odlozilik | 1444 |
Oskar Kossmann. Lodz: Eine Historisch-Geographische Analyse | |
Reviewed by Stanley J. Zyzniewski | 1444 |
Theophil Hornykiewicz. Ereignisse In Der Ukraine, 1914-1922: Deren Bedeutung Und Historische Hintergrunde | |
Reviewed by Basil Dmytryshyn | 1445 |
Gyorgy Ranki. Magyarorszag Gazdasaga Az Elso Vilaghaboru Utan, 1919-1929 | |
Reviewed by George Kopits | 1446 |
Martin Zgornaik. Wojskowe Aspekty Kryzysu Czechoslowackiego 1938 Roku | |
Reviewed by Zygmunt J. Gasiorowski | 1447 |
Stephen D. Watrous. John Ledyard’s Journey through Russia and Siberia, 1787-1788: The Journal and Selected Letters | |
Reviewed by Walther Kirchner | 1448 |
Elizabeth E. Bacon. Central Asians under Russian Rule: A Study in Culture Change | |
Reviewed by Donald W. Treadgold | 1449 |
Martin Katz. Mikhail N. Katkov: A Political Biography, 1818-1887 | |
Reviewed by Marc Raeff | 1450 |
Klaus von Beyme. Politische Soziologie Im Zaristischen Russland | |
Reviewed by Roderick E. McGrew | 1450 |
Oleh Semenovych Pidhainy. The Formation of the Ukrainian Republic | |
Reviewed by Arthur E. Adams | 1451 |
Oleh Semenovych Pidhainy. Istoriia Velikoi Otechestvennoi Voiny Sovetskogo Soiuza, 1941-1945 | |
Reviewed by Alfred J. Rieber | 1452 |
Africa | |
Jeffrey Butler. Boston University Papers on Africa. Volume II, African History | |
Reviewed by Robert O. Collins | 1453 |
Vincent Confer. France and Algeria: The Problem of Civil and Political Reform, 1870-1920 | |
Reviewed by Raymond F. Betts | 1454 |
Arslan Humbaraci. Algeria: A Revolution that Failed | |
Reviewed by Richard M. Brace | 1455 |
Patrick O’Brien. The Revolution in Egypt’s Economic System: From Private Enterprise to Socialism, 1952-1965 | |
Reviewed by Robert L. Tignor | 1455 |
Robert L. Hess. Italian Colonialism in Somalia | |
Reviewed by Harold G. Marcus | 1456 |
Ake Holmberg. African Tribes and European Agencies: Colonialism and Humanitarianism in British South and East Africa 1870-1895 | |
Reviewed by Colin Rhys Lovell | 1457 |
Asia and the East | |
Ram Sugar Rastogi. Indo-Afghan Relations, 1880-1900 | |
Reviewed by Mark Naidis | 1458 |
Jonathan D. Spence. Ts’ao Yin and the K’ang-Hsi Emperor, Bondservant and Master | |
Reviewed by Joseph R. Levenson | 1459 |
James E. Sheridan. Chinese Warlord: The Career of Feng Yu-Hsiang | |
Reviewed by John K. Fairbank | 1460 |
John E. Rue. Mao Tse-Tung in Opposition, 1927-1935 | |
Reviewed by Harold M. Vinacke | 1461 |
Vishwambhar Sharon Pathak. Ancient Historians of India: A Study in Historical Biographies | |
Reviewed by John W. Spellman | 1461 |
Gautam Sharma. Indian Army through the Ages | |
Reviewed by B. G. Gokhale | 1462 |
M. Athar Ali. The Mughal Nobility under Aurangzeb | |
Reviewed by Freeland Abbott | 1463 |
Tarasankar Banerjee. Internal Market of India [1834-1900] | |
Reviewed by Blair B. Kling | 1464 |
Khushwant Singh. A History of the Sikhs. Volume II, 1839-1964 | |
Reviewed by Joan V. Bondurant | 1465 |
Bipan Chandra. The Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India: Economic Policies of Indian National Leadership, 1880-1905 | |
Reviewed by Holden Furber | 1465 |
Viyaya Chandra Joshi. Lala Lajpat Rai: Writings and Speeches | |
Reviewed by Robert I. Crane | 1466 |
R. N. Jackson. Pickering: Protector of Chinese | |
Reviewed by Brian Harrison | 1467 |
Ruth T. McVey. The Rise of Indonesian Communism | |
Reviewed by Justus M. Van Der Kroef | 1468 |
Edgar O’Ballance. Malaya: The Communist Insurgent War, 1948-60 | |
Reviewed by Lennox A. Mills | 1469 |
Bernard B. Fall. Hell in a Very Small Place: The Siege of Dien Bien Phu | |
Reviewed by Virginia Thompson | 1470 |
Douglas Pike. Australian Dictionary of Biography | |
Reviewed by Robin W. Winks | 1470 |
T. L. Suttor. Hierarchy and Democracy in Australia, 1788-1870: The Formation of Australian Catholicism | |
Reviewed by Charles S. Blackton | 1471 |
Ruth Knight. Illiberal Liberal: Robert Lowe in New South Wales, 1842-1850 | |
Reviewed by Donald C. Gordon | 1472 |
Americas | |
Ruth Knight. The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections, 1965 | |
Reviewed by Walter Rundell, Jr. | 1473 |
Arthur E. Sutherland. Constitutionalism in America: Origin and Evolution of its Fundamental Ideas | |
Reviewed by Arthur Bestor | 1474 |
Robert Allen Skotheim. American Intellectual Histories and Historians | |
Reviewed by John L. Thomas | 1475 |
Ray Allen Billington. America’s Frontier Heritage | |
Reviewed by Howard R. Lamar | 1476 |
Douglas Summers Brown. The Catawba Indians: The People of the River | |
Reviewed by William N. Fenton | 1477 |
Ray Allen Billington. The Reinterpretation of Early American History: Essays in Honor of John Edwin Pomfret | |
Reviewed by John Cary | 1478 |
Cyclone Covey. The Gentle Radical: A Biography of Roger Williams | |
Reviewed by Conrad Wright | 1479 |
Peter Gay. A Loss of Mastery: Puritan Historians in Colonial America | |
Reviewed by Stow Persons | 1479 |
M. Eugene Sirmans. Colonial South Carolina: A Political History, 1663-1763 | |
Reviewed by Hugh T. Lefler | 1480 |
Edmund Berkeley. The Reverend John Clayton: A Parson with a Scientific Mind. His Scientific Writings and Other Related Papers | |
Reviewed by George F. Frick | 1481 |
George Fenwick Jones. Henry Newman’s Salzburger Letterbooks | |
Reviewed by Winthrop S. Hudson | 1482 |
Alan Heimert. Religion and the American Mind: From the Great Awakening to the Revolution | |
Reviewed by Robert Middlekauff | 1482 |
Hubert G. Schmidt. George Washington’s Map Maker: A Biography of Robert Erskine | |
Reviewed by North Callahan | 1484 |
Ivor Noel Hume. 1775: Another Part of the Field | |
Reviewed by Jack P. Greene | 1484 |
James A. Huston. The Sinews of War: Army Logistics, 1775-1953 | |
Reviewed by Warren W. Hassler, Jr. | 1485 |
Merton L. Dillon. Benjamin Lundy and the Struggle for Negro Freedom | |
Reviewed by John Hope Franklin | 1486 |
Lillian B. Miller. Patrons and Patriotism: The Encouragement of the fine Arts in the United States 1790-1860 | |
Reviewed by Paul R. Baker | 1486 |
C. Peter Magrath. Yazoo: Law and Politics in the New Republic. The Case of Fletcher V. Peck | |
Reviewed by Richard B. Morris | 1487 |
Henry Pickering Walker. The Wagonmasters: High Plains Freighting from the Earliest Days of the Santa Fe Trail to 1880 | |
Reviewed by LeRoy R. Hafen | 1488 |
Alice E. Smith. Millstone and Saw: The Origins of Neenah-Menasha | |
Reviewed by Arthur J. Larsen | 1489 |
Edward Silberfarb. Tigers of Tammany: Nine Men Who Ran New York | |
Reviewed by Robert V. Remini | 1490 |
Martin Duberman. James Russell Lowell | |
Reviewed by George M. Frederickson | 1491 |
John K. Mahon. Reminiscences of the Second Seminole War | |
Reviewed by Rembert W. Patrick | 1492 |
Roland Van Zandt. The Catskill Mountain House | |
Reviewed by David Maldwyn Ellis | 1493 |
Robert William Fogel. Railroads and American Economic Growth: Essays in Econometric History | |
Reviewed by Edward C. Kirkland | 1493 |
Patrick W. Riddleberger. George Washington Julian, Radical Republican: A Study in Nineteenth-Century Politics and Reform | |
Reviewed by David J. Rothman | 1495 |
Melvin M. Leiman. Jacob N. Cardozo: Economic thought in the Antebellum South | |
Reviewed by Eugene D. Genovese | 1495 |
Howard Roberts Lamar. The Far Southwest, 1846-1912: A Territorial History | |
Reviewed by Donald C. Cutter | 1496 |
Geoge W. Groh. Gold Fever: Being a True Account, both Horrifying and Hilarious, of the Art of Healing (So-Called) During the California Gold Rush | |
Reviewed by J. C. Burnham | 1497 |
Margaret Sanborn. Robert E. Lee: A Portrait (1807-1861) | |
Reviewed by T. Harry Williams | 1498 |
James A. Rawley. Turning Points of the Civil War | |
Reviewed by John P. Dyer | 1499 |
Thomas J. Donaghy, F.S.C.. Conceived in Crisis: A History of La Salle College, 1863-1965 | |
Reviewed by Willis Rudy | 1499 |
Henry W. Casper, S.J.. History of the Catholic Church in Nebraska | |
Reviewed by Thomas T. McAvoy, C.S.C. | 1500 |
Albert D. Kirwan. The South since Appomattox: A Century of Regional Change | |
Reviewed by Carl N. Degler | 1501 |
Alan Conway. The Reconstruction of Georgia | |
Reviewed by C. Vann Woodward | 1502 |
Jacob Adler. Claus Spreckels: The Sugar King in Hawaii | |
Reviewed by Harold Whitman Bradley | 1503 |
Watson Parker. Gold in the Black Hills | |
Reviewed by William S. Greever | 1504 |
Mark H. Brown. The Flight of the Nez Perce | |
Reviewed by Brigham D. Madsen | 1504 |
Julian S. Rammelkamp. Pulitzer’s Post-Dispatch, 1878-1883 | |
Reviewed by J. Cutler Andrews | 1505 |
Walter R. Herrick, Jr.. The American Naval Revolution | |
Reviewed by H. Wayne Morgan | 1506 |
Steven B. Cord.. Henry George: Dreamer of Realist? | |
Reviewed by Arthur A. Ekirch, Jr. | 1507 |
Benjamin G. Rader. The Academic Mind and Reform: The Influence of Richard T. Ely in American Life | |
Reviewed by Sidney Fine | 1508 |
Leonard J. Bates. Tom Walsh in Dakota Territory: Personal Correspondence of Senator Thomas J. Walsh and Elinor C. McClements | |
Reviewed by Horace Samuel Merrill | 1508 |
Leonard J. Arington. Beet Sugar in the West: A History of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1891-1966 | |
Reviewed by Karel D. Bicha | 1509 |
Edward J. Berbusse, S.J.. The United States in Puerto Rico, 1898-1900 | |
Reviewed by Frank Otto Gatell | 1510 |
Waldo H. Heinrichs, Jr.. American Ambassador: Joseph C. Grew and the Development of the United States Diplomatic Tradition | |
Reviewed by L. Ethan Ellis | 1511 |
Jane S. Dahlberg. The New York Bureau of Municipal Research: Pioneer in Government Administration | |
Reviewed by Sam Bass Warner, Jr. | 1512 |
Giles T. Brown. Ships that Sail no more: Marine Transportation from San Diego to Puget Sound, 1910-1940 | |
Reviewed by Earl Pomeroy | 1513 |
Joshua A. Fishman. Language Loyalty in the United States: The Maintenance and Perpetuation of Non-English Mother Tongues by American Ethnic and Religious Groups | |
Reviewed by Moses Rischin | 1513 |
Arvarh E. Strickland. History of the Chicago Urban League | |
Reviewed by Robert L. Zangrando | 1514 |
Robert J. Morgan. Governing Soil Conservation: Thirty Years of the New Decentralization | |
Reviewed by Paul W. Gates | 1515 |
Forrest C. Pogue. George C. Marshall: Ordeal and Hope, 1939-1942 | |
Reviewed by Trumbull Higgins | 1516 |
William M. Belote. Corregidor: The Saga of a Fortress | |
Reviewed by Stanley L. Falk | 1517 |
R. Alton Lee. Truman and Taft-Hartley: A Question of Mandate | |
Reviewed by Barton J. Bernstein | 1518 |
Elzear Lovoie. France Et Canada Francais Du XVI Au XX Siecle: Colloque De Quebec, 10-12 Octobre 1963 | |
Reviewed by Cameron Nish | 1519 |
Fernand Ouellet. Histoire Economique Et Sociale Du Quebec, 1760-1850: Structures Et Conjoncture | |
Reviewed by Ramsay Cook | 1520 |
William F. Ryan. The Clergy and Economic Growth in Quebec (1896-1914) | |
Reviewed by Cameron Nish | 1521 |
Jose Honorio Rodrigues. Vida E Historia | |
Reviewed by Donald E. Worcester | 1522 |
Harold V. Livermore. Royal Commentaries of the Incas and General History of Peru | |
Reviewed by Charles Gibson | 1522 |
Donald Cutter. Tadeo Haenke Y El Final De Una Vieja Polemica | |
Reviewed by Thomas F. McGann | 1523 |
Ralph Lee Woodward, Jr.. Class Privilege and Economic Development: The Consulado De Comercio of Guatemala, 1793-1871 | |
Reviewed by Mario Rodriguez | 1524 |
Nettie Lee Benson. Mexico and the Spanish Cortes, 1810-1822: Eight Essays | |
Reviewed by Charles Griffin | 1525 |
Jose Honorio Rodrigues. Interesse Nacional E Politica Externa | |
Reviewed by Richard M. Morse | 1525 |
Other Recent Publications | |
1527 | |
Association Notes | |
1576 |
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