The Life of Women in Ancient Greece

Women in Ancient Greece

One of the most commonly known facts about women in Ancient Greece is that they weren’t allowed to vote. While this is true for the Athena polias, the exclusion of women in politics didn’t occur in all the ancient Greek societies. Classical scholars uncover more and more complexities about the lives of ancient Greek women. …

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How Long Have Humans Existed?

How Long Have Humans Existed

Modern humans, scientifically known as Homo sapiens, have existed for approximately 300,000 years. The earliest fossils and archaeological evidence of anatomically modern humans date back to around 300,000 years ago in Africa. But the history of hominids dates back much further, with various hominid species evolving over millions of years. How Long Have Humans Existed? …

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History of Marijuana: Origins, Use, Effects, and More!

History of Marijuana

Marijuana, often called weed or cannabis, has been around for thousands of years for various purposes, including medicine, relaxation, and spiritual rituals. The Origins and Discovery of Marijuana Despite popular belief, Marijuana is not native to North America. It originally came from Central and South Asia. The exact “who” behind the discovery of marijuana is …

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The Ultimate History (and Future) of Shaving

The Ultimate History (and Future) of Shaving 1

Like other modifications to one’s outside appearance, the choice to shave and develop a beard has had an important role in male fashion and self-representation throughout history. Ancient shaving techniques, which relied on dull blades, required painful plucking and exfoliation to get any kind of clean-shaven look, meaning men generally preferred to let their beards …

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