Who Invented Post It Notes? Unveiling the Inventors of the Iconic Sticky Notes

who invented post it notes

The invention of Post-it Notes is a fascinating tale of innovation, starring two key figures: Spencer Silver and Art Fry. From Spencer Silver’s relentless exploration of novel adhesives to Art Fry’s inspiration during Wednesday night choir practice, these two visionaries played pivotal roles in the development of the humble Post-it Note, originally referred to as …

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Taranis: The Celtic God of Thunder and Storms


Taranis is one of the most intriguing and powerful figures of the Celtic pantheon. He is god of thunder, lightning, and storms and was often depicted with a wheel, representing the celestial nature of thunderstorms and possibly connecting him to the concept of the celestial wheel or the cycle of seasons. Who is Taranis  Taranis …

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Iapetus: Greek Titan God of Mortality

Iapetus and titanomachy

Iapetus is, in Greek mythology, often referred to as one of the Titans, who were the divine beings that preceded the Olympian gods. Iapetus was a son of Uranus (the sky) and Gaia (the earth), making him a second-generation deity. Iapetus is not as well-known as some other Titans, but he plays a significant role …

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Nyx: Greek Goddess of the Night

nyx goddess

In ancient Greece, the night was accepted to be a beautiful goddess named Nyx. She was there at the dawn of creation as one of the first beings to exist. Impressive, right? After some time passed, Nyx ended up settling down with her edgy brother and they had a few kids. In all seriousness though, …

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