Dionysus: Greek God of Wine and Fertility

Dionysus Greek god of fertility

Dionysus is one of the most popular ancient Greek gods both today and in ancient times. We associate him with wine, theater, and “the bacchanalia,” aka rich Roman orgies. In academic circles, the role he played in Greek mythology was complex and sometimes contradictory, but his followers played crucial roles in the evolution of Ancient …

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City Gods from Around the World

city gods

City gods were the pride of the ancient municipalities they were destined to watch over. As civilizations throughout the ancient world flourished, from the Mediterranean to the Fertile Crescent, cities both grand and humble were founded. With these cities came the all-powerful gods that guided them. After all, during times of uncertainty, it would be …

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Snake Gods and Goddesses: 19 Serpent Deities from Around the World

Snake gods and goddesses

Whether it’s Wadget or Apep from Egypt, Asclepius from Greece, Midgard or the Australian Rainbow Snake, Snake Gods are prevelant in ancient mythologies from all around the world. Feared by many people today, many ancients saw serpents as deities, both good and evil. The stories and representations of these gods remain as fascinating as ever. …

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