Aphrodite: The Goddess of Love and Beauty in Ancient Greek Mythology


Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She is one of the 12 Olympians and was born from the sea foam created when the Titan Cronus severed Uranus’ genitals and threw them into the sea. This goddess is known as the unwilling wife of the god Hephaestus, the lover of Ares, …

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The 12 Olympian Gods and Goddesses

Olympian gods and goddesses

The Olympians of Greek mythology aren’t like the Olympians people know and love today. These mighty gods actually took center stage in the vast Greek pantheon – not at the Olympic games. According to the ancient Greek religion, there are twelve ruling gods that oversee the affairs of Mount Olympus and the fate of humanity …

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Hera: Greek Goddess of Marriage, Women, and Childbirth

Hera greek goddess of marriage

Hera is the queen of the Greek gods and the goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, and family. She is one of the twelve Olympian gods and is married to her brother, Zeus. Together, they rule over Mount Olympus. Hera is often depicted as a regal and powerful figure, but she is also known for her …

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