Harpies: Storm Spirits and Winged Women


Harpies are thought to be some of the most disgusting monsters that have emerged from Greek mythology. Their name meant ‘snatchers’ for their role in taking things away from mortals on behalf of other Greek gods. If that wasn’t enough of an indication as to the nature of the Harpies, Greek myths paint an even …

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The Chimera: The Greek Monster Challenging the Imaginable


Chimera is a monstrous creature from Greek mythology that was said to be a combination of different animals. It is often described as having the body of a lion, the head of a goat that sprouts from its back, and a tail that ends in a snake’s head. It is usually depicted as a fearsome …

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Scylla and Charybdis: Terror on the High Seas

Scylla and Charybdis

Scylla and Charybdis were formidable sea monsters, known for their residency in a suspiciously narrow strait. They are archetypal monsters from Greek mythology – animalistic, ravenous, and all too ready to stir up trouble for the sake of teaching a lesson. Moreover, their existence acts as a forewarning to voyagers traveling through unfamiliar waters. Made …

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Killing the Nemean Lion: Heracles’ First Labor

hercules and the nemean lion

The Nemean Lion is a creature from Greek mythology, known for its immense strength and invulnerability to weapons. According to the myth, the Nemean Lion was a monstrous beast that terrorized the region of Nemea in ancient Greece. It had a hide that was impenetrable by normal weapons, making it nearly impossible to kill. Who …

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Tyche: The Greek Goddess of Chance

Tyche goddess of fortune

Tyche was a Greek goddess of luck and chance who also had two faces, the guiding and protective deity looking after one’s fortunes on one hand and the more frightening whims of fate leading to destruction and misfortune on the other. She was the goddess of fate, fortune, and chance. Who Was Tyche? Tyche, as …

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Cetus: A Greek Astronomical Sea Monster

Cetus feature

Cetus is the infamous monster from ancient Greek mythology, often depicted as a giant sea creature or a sea serpent. The most popular story about Cetus is closely associated with the myth of Perseus and Andromeda. Who or What Was Cetus? Cetus was a sea monster in ancient Greek mythology, often depicted as a giant …

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