Saturn: Roman God of Agriculture 

Saturn god

In Roman mythology, Saturn was a god associated with agriculture, wealth, and time. He was often depicted as an older man with a long beard, holding a sickle or scythe. Saturn was also closely linked to the concept of the “Golden Age,” a mythical period of great prosperity and peace. In Greek mythology, Saturn’s equivalent …

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Jupiter: The Almighty God of Roman Mythology

jupiter god

Jupiter, known as Zeus in Greek mythology, was the king of the gods in Roman mythology. He was considered the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus and held a similar position of power and authority in the Roman pantheon. Jupiter was often depicted as a mature man with a regal appearance, usually holding a thunderbolt, …

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Omens and Superstitions

Omens and Superstitions

A superstitious Society Compare to modern society, the Romans seem extremely superstitious. But then today’s major religions have all throughout their past discouraged, even combatted, superstitions. Also our sciences and our technological world allows little room for superstition. The Romans lived in an era previous to this. Their world was full of unexplained phenomena, darkness …

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