Osiris: The Egyptian Lord of the Underworld

osiris god

Osiris was an ancient Egyptian god primarily known as the god of the afterlife, death, resurrection, and fertility. He played a central role in Egyptian religious beliefs and mythology, and he was considered a benevolent and just ruler of the underworld. Osiris was often depicted as a mummified figure with green skin, wearing a white …

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Frigg: The Norse Goddess of Motherhood and Fertility

frigg and odin

One of the most well-known and powerful Norse gods, Frigg, wife of Odin, was the goddess of motherhood and fertility. Often confused with the goddess Freya or Freyja, Frigg’s roots lay in Germanic mythology as was the case with so many of the Norse gods and goddesses. Typically enough, most of the mythology surrounding Frigg …

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Somnus: The Personification of Sleep

Somnus god

Somnus is one of the more obscure deities in Greco-Roman mythology. Somnus or Hypnos (as was his Greek name) is the shadowy Roman god of sleep. Indeed, he was considered the personification of sleep by the ancient Greeks and Romans. As is rather fitting of the god of sleep, Somnus seems to be a mysterious …

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Minerva: Roman Goddess of Wisdom and Justice

minerva goddess

Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom, justice, law, and victory and an extremely important part of the Roman pantheon. She plays many important roles, such as the patron and sponsor of the arts and trade and even military strategy. While her association with war and battle was perhaps not as overt as was the …

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