9 Important Slavic Gods and Goddesses: Perun, Veles, Lada, and More!

slavic gods

From Perun and Veles to Stribog and Lada, Slavic mythology is rich with a variety of gods and goddesses, each associated with different aspects of life, nature, and human experience. Slavic gods represent balance. While there could be a god or goddess advocating for peace and good harvest, there may also be the harbingers of …

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Athena: Goddess of War and the Home

Athena goddess

Athena is one of the twelve Olympian gods and goddesses, primarily known as the goddess of wisdom, courage, strategic warfare, and civilization. Athena is also associated with various aspects of human endeavors, including arts, crafts, and justice. According to mythological accounts, Athena was born fully grown and armored from the head of her father, Zeus, …

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Mnemosyne: Goddess of Memory, and Mother of the Muses

Mnemosyne goddess of memory

Mnemosyne is one of the Titan gods, the great gods that existed before the more famous Olympian gods. Sister of Cronus and aunt of Zeus, her relationship with the latter produced the Muses, who inspire all the creative endeavors ever produced by humanity. While rarely worshiped, Mnemosyne plays an essential role in Greek mythology thanks …

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The 12 Greek Titans: The Original Gods of Ancient Greece

Greek titans

The complex Greek religion that was familiar to the ancient world did not begin with the illustrious Olympian Gods, the group made up of famous deities such as Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Aphrodite, Apollo, etc. Indeed, before these gods, named for their home on Mount Olympus ruled, came the Greek Titans, of which there were also …

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