The Picts: A Celtic Civilization That Resisted the Romans

the picts

The Picts were a civilization in ancient Scotland, notorious for their fierce resistance when the Romans arrived and decided to invade them. They’re famous for their body paint during battle. They turned out to be excellent Hollywood material since the people and their body paint have been reproduced in many famous movies. Perhaps most famously …

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What Caused World War 1? Political, Imperialistic, and Nationalistic Factors

What Caused World War 1

The causes of World War 1 were complex and multifaceted, involving political, economic, and social factors. One of the main causes of the war was the system of alliances that existed between European nations, which often required countries to take sides in conflicts and ultimately led to the escalation of tensions. Imperialism, the rise of …

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Bog Body: Mummified Corpses of the Iron Age

bog body

A bog body is a naturally mummified corpse found in peat bogs. Found throughout western and northern Europe, these remains are so well preserved that the people who discovered them mistook them for recent deaths. There are over a hundred such bodies and they are found scattered throughout Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, the United …

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The Olympic Torch: A Brief History of the Olympic Games Symbol

olympic torch

The Olympic torch is one of the most important symbols of the Olympic Games and is lit in Olympia, Greece, several months before the beginning of the games. This starts the Olympic torch relay and the flames are then ceremonially carried to the host city for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The torch …

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How Did Napoleon Die: Stomach Cancer, Poison, or Something Else?

how did napoleon die

Napoleon died of stomach cancer, but there were still many conspiracy theories and controversies surrounding the handling of his body after his death. While today’s historians do not believe he was poisoned, they still have much to learn about the circumstances of the emperor’s health in his final days. How Did Napoleon Die? Napoleon most …

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