Roman Women: Mothers, Daughters, Priestesses, and Augustas

roman women

Roman women were the silent wives, the mothers, the daughters, and the priestesses in the background. Even when they were queens, their voices came after the men around them. So what were the Roman women like? What kind of lives did women live in the Roman Empire? What kind of laws and policies did ancient …

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Top 10 Ancient Mysteries: The Nazca Lines, Stonehenge, and More!

ancient mysteries

Ancient mysteries refer to a multitude of events, artifacts, and enigmatic questions that baffle and captivate scientists and scholars alike. From the Nazca Lines, the Plain of Jars, and Stonehenge to the Antikythera Mechanism, the past is filled with unsolved mysteries. These strange objects and artifacts from lost ancient civilizations continue to capture our imaginations …

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Cleopatra’s Tomb: Unraveling the Enigma of an Ancient Queen’s Final Resting Place

cleopatra's tomb

Cleopatra’s tomb is one of the greatest mysteries of ancient history. As the last active pharaoh of Egypt, Cleopatra’s final resting place has eluded discovery, leaving scholars and enthusiasts intrigued. Exploring the question of what Cleopatra’s tomb is and delving into the complexities and theories surrounding its location is important to give meaning to this …

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Vestal Virgins: Guardians of Rome’s Heart(h)

vestal virgins

The Vestal Virgins played a vital role in safeguarding the flame that represented the hearth of Rome. They were entrusted with this responsibility in service of the goddess Vesta, carrying out her demands with meticulous care and devotion. Of course, the flame had a profound meaning. Roman leaders and citizens believed that as long as …

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Medieval Torture Devices: The Rack, Impalement Sticks, and More!

medieval torture devices

From the rack, Iron Maiden, and breaking wheel, to the impalement sticks and more, medieval torture devices were instruments used during the Middle Ages to inflict pain and punishment on individuals, often as a means of interrogation, punishment, or public execution. These devices were designed to cause immense suffering, both physically and psychologically, and were …

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Roman Slaves: Slavery in Ancient Rome

roman slaves

Roman slaves were an ever-present and essential part of Roman society and its long history. Just as their functions in that society were multifarious – ranging from cooks, gardeners, builders, and gladiators – so were their regions of origin. Unlike in other periods of time, the race or ethnicity of slaves in ancient Rome was …

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