Samoan Royal Family Tree: The Bloodline of King Fonoti and the Tupu Lineage

samoan royal family tree

Who is the king of Samoa now?Samoa is no longer a traditional monarchy. However, the Tamaʻāiga—four royal dynasties known as the “sons of the families”—retain significant noble and chiefly titles. These are the Malietoa, Matāʻafa, Tupua, and Tuimalealiʻifano. Their members actively preserve Samoan culture through social and governmental positions, such as being heads of state …

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Russian Royal Family Tree: The House of Romanov and the Tsars of Russia

russian royal family tree

Russia’s royal family ruled for over three hundred years, shaping the country’s history and culture in countless ways. Numerous notable rulers expanded the empire, making Russia a powerful force in Europe. The most famous Russian royal family were the Romanovs, who were largely responsible for spreading Russian culture, including the growth of the Russian Orthodox …

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Greek Royal Family Tree: From the First Monarchs to the House of Glücksburg

greek royal family tree

The Greek royal family has a fascinating history that intertwines with many of Europe’s most prominent royal houses. Throughout the years, the Greek royal family has been influential in shaping the political landscape of Greece and maintaining strong ties with other European monarchies. Origins and Formation of the Greek Monarchy The royal family of Greece …

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