Vidar: The Silent God of the Aesir

vidar norse god

Vidar is the Norse god of vengeance, silence, and resilience. He is the son of Odin, the chief of the Aesir gods, and the giantess Gríðr. He was less popular than his brother Thor. Despite this, the “avenging god” played an integral role in Norse mythology, killing Fenrir in Ragnarok, surviving those end times, and …

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Odin: The Shapeshifting Norse God of Wisdom 

odin god

Odin, the one-eyed Norse god of wisdom, battle, magic, death, and knowledge has been known by many names. Odin, Woden, Wuotan, or Woden, sits at the top of the godly hierarchy of the Norse pantheon. The main god of the Norse pantheon has been called many names throughout history and has donned many different guises. …

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Vesta: The Roman Goddess of the Home and the Hearth

vesta goddess

In Roman mythology, Vesta was the goddess of the home and hearth. For the Roman people, she was the representation of purity and reason. Vesta is a goddess who is not only limited by what she looks over. Instead, her office extends far into the works of other deities. As a result, this makes her …

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